Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama Care…..What in the world are they thinking?

            Much to the surprise of most political observers, the Supreme Court upheld Obama Care by a 5-4 margin with the Chief Justice doing an incredible jujitsu in rewriting the bill from the bench to change the individual mandate into a tax.  When the bill was being considered, President Obama argued that the individual Mandate was not a tax.  He pledged to the American people over and over again if they made less than $250,000 a year he would not raise any of their taxes. The Court found that there was no way that the individual mandate could ever pass muster when justified by the Commerce Clause, so it threw Obama a lifeline with the novel tax interpretation. Whether the Federal Government coerces citizen behavior by invoking the Commerce Clause or through the threat of punitive taxation makes no difference to the individual citizen who sees his liberty slipping away.  Right now personal liberty and the Constitution are hanging by a thread. 

            The upshot of this extraordinary action by the Court is to make clear that there is only one path to reversing this terrible impending train wreck for the country.  We must elect Mitt Romney and send enough Republicans to the Senate to ensure the repeal of Obama Care.  Nothing else will save us from single payer nationalized health care which is failing dismally now in Europe.  The lines are drawn and now the people must decide which way this country goes.  I am on the side of the Constitution and the Rule of Law. If you agree, I would appreciate your support.

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